
Friday, September 26, 2014

4th Amendment

US history assignment



3.since 1982

4. United States

It may surprise some people that there are hundreds of reported attempts to ban books every year in the United States. It may be even more astounding for them to hear that since 1990, the American Library Association’s,Office for Intellectual Freedom, as received reports of more than 18,000 attempts to remove materials in schools and libraries for content deemed by some as inappropriate, controversial or even dangerous. Banned Books Week, Sept, 21-27, reminds Americans about the importance of preventing censorship and ensuring everyone’s freedom to read any book they choose. Yes banned book week is actually a issue in the United States since in the 4th Amendment it states that The Fourth Amendment originally enforced the notion that “each man’s home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures of property by the government. It protects against arbitrary arrests, and is the basis of the law regarding search warrants, stop-and-frisk, safety inspections, wiretaps, and other forms of surveillance, as well as being central to many other criminal law topics and to privacy law. So why is the government so adamant about banning books, It also breaks another amendment the "freedom of speech". As well as getting rid of books and preventing them for sale.

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