
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

CH9 -13 notes

Chapter 9 
Section 1
Main ideas The political and economic and social change in the late 19th century america led to broad progressive forms
Section 2
As a result of social grid and economical change many women entered public life as workers and reformers.
Section 3
As a president Theodore Roosevelt worked to gave citizens a square deal through progressive reforms
Section 4 
Tafts ambivalent approach to progressive reforms led to a split in the republican party and the loss of the presidency to the democrats
Section 5
Woodrow Wilson established a strong reform agenda as a progressive leader
Chapter 10
Section 1
Beginning in 1867 and continuing through the century global competition caused the united states to expand
Section 2
in 1898 the united states went to war to help Cuba win its independence from Spain
Section 3
In the early 1900s the United States engaged in conflicts in Puerto Rico  Cuba, and the Philippines
Section 4
The Russo-Japanese war, the panama canal and the Mexican revolution added to america military and the economic power
Chapter 11
Section 1
As World War 1 intensified the united states was forced to abandon its neutrality
Section 2
The United States mobilized a large army and navy to help the allies achieve victory
Section 3
World War 1 spurred social political and economic change in the United States.
Section 4
European Leaders opposed most of Wilson peace plan and the U.S. senate failed to ratify the peace treaty
Chapter 12
Section 1
A desire for normality after the war and a fear of communism and foreigners led to postwar isolationism
Section 2
The Harding administration appealed to america desire for calm and peace after the war but resulted in scandal
Section 3 
Consumers goods fueled the business boom of the 1920 as america standard of living soared
Chapter 13
Section 1 
Americans experienced cultural conflicts as customs and values changed in the 1920
Section 2 
American women pursued new lifestyles and assumed new jobs and different roles in society during the 1920
Section 3
Main media movies and spectator sports played important roles in creating the popular culture of the 1920s a culture that many artist and writers criticized.
Section 4 
African American ideas politics artist literature and music flourished in Harlem and elsewhere in the United States

Friday, March 13, 2015

Eugenic post blog

Who- its not much of who but the people. People choose to do these genetic tests. Sometimes people use this purpose to see if there child will have down syndrome.

What- Its a method to determine the genetics of the child before it has even been fully developed

When- 1900-present

Where-United States of America

Why- Well some people want certain traits and or want the perfect child. Such as no Down Syndrome or something as common as runners knee.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Current event

Kim jong un has threaten to blow the united states several times. Also has threaten to declare war, Recently he has practice shooting rockets at the border of South Korea waters. As well as fired on land targets.

Debate topic

Pro- The crime for rape and murder. For some people would think the death penalty is fine justice for the victim but for the defendant. it would probably be called an inhuman act to do \.

Con- The con of it is that the US government has given fair justice to all. Taking a life from a family and other people would agree that its just not fair.

US government
Taking a life away
Fair justice

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez, he was very influential for the Latin Americans working in the fields. farm workers worked for little pay and no benefits of the labor union or maybe not even prioritize as workers which gave them little to nothing pay. Around 1960-72 he was working for labor union rights for the farming workers. Right here in California Santa Rita. He did so that many people not just Latin Americans would get rights from the labor unions. as well as decent pay. He was very influential because my grandma and many others were apart of the peaceful strikes and pickets. My family worked very closely with him and he was very respected for his ideals as well as his reassurance that "eventually they have to give in".    

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Repost for Debate topic

US history assignment

1. 3D printed guns

2. its banned

3. now

4. United States

5. The government has banned all 3D printed guns and that actually breaks the 1st and 2nd Amendment. Plus it blocks the right to share the file which is known in CAD

We are standing at the new era of another great industrial revolution. With 3-D printers people can print an infinite number of personalized and customized to tissue and metals. However, one of these, bold new technology threatens to cast a specter on a innovation,3D printed guns. United states government have banned 3D printed guns, must satisfy constitutional scrutiny under both the First and Second Amendments.

"The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms includes a subsidiary right to acquire arms" what else are you going to keep and bear, which covers both the buyer, and seller in the transaction. the seller has to obtain guns, including newly manufactured firearms. Thus, the Second Amendment supply chain protects a right to make arms. These constitutional guarantees preserve the right to acquire and make firearms, by the 3D printer or other means. Prohibitions on sharing and receiving information about 3D guns, in the form of CAD source code files, violate the First Amendment right to free speech. The fact that information about 3D guns is distributed in electronic format does not shield it from the Bill of Rights. Further, the “hybrid” First and Second Amendment right offers heightened constitutional protections when the government attempts to restrict speech about the right to keep and bear arms. This is the reason they have violated every day person rights. In which they are afraid of technology.

This law has been in put in affect for another 10 years.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Amendment 10 Garry Webb

1.Garry Webb
2. Cruel unusual punishment
4.United states 

Garry Webb was a reporter for San Jose mercury news, he did small time news here and there. But what he didn't know that he opened a door that not only endangered him, But his way of life, he did a report on a event at that time that was on the news everywhere. The crack cocaine epidemic distributions. but it was not just drug dealers dealing it, The federal government was importing these drugs into america, to support a war that congress didn't want apart in. That was the Contra Costa war during the time Nicaraguans didn't want any part of the communist way. So a civil war began the Contras wanted democratic ways so the money from the drugs or in this case Cocaine was used to support the war. Garry Webb was digging for answers and yes he did. He publish a booked called "Dark alliance" .  His findings was denied and the CIA was denied of the involvement and with his findings he could no longer find his dream job of being a journalist. With the denial he retired and stuck with his findings true. Later the CIA had released the information and announced its involvement, But it wasn't really noticed because due to the Bill Clinton scandal.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.